Many folks are used to reading newspapers or magazines when spending some quality time in their restroom. It is logical that some of those folks may want to use their tablets in there. You could also use your iPad to teach your children how to use a toilet. These 2 toilet stands have you covered in those situations:
CTA Digital Pedestal Stand for iPad 2/3/4: want to use your iPad to keep yourself entertained in your restroom? This stand not only keeps your tablet but also has a toilet paper holder.
iPotty for Toilet training: a helpful accessory for parents. It is a child-friendly potty with activity stand for iPad. The iPotty has a 360 degree rotating stand and 3 positions.
We can now honestly claim to have seen everything, as far as iPad accessories go. Not everyone will need the above accessories. But if you need to use your iPad in the restroom or for toilet training, the above products are worth checking out.